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AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave blank)2. REPORT DATE February 2 001
REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVEREDAnnual (15 Jan 00 -14 Jan 01)
The Role of the Y Chromosome Genes in Prostate Cancer
AUTHOR(S)Yun-Fai Chris Lau, Ph.D.
PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES)Northern California Institute for Research and Education San Francisco, California 94121 E-Mail: At present, information regarding the contribution of the men-only chromosome, the Y chromosome, to prostate cancer is lacking.
SPONSORING / MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES)UThe goals of this project are designed to address this question and to identify candidate genes on the Y chromosome involved in prostate cancer.The objectives are: 1) to study the expression of Y chromosome genes in prostate cancer and 2) to evaluate their effects in over-expression in the prostate of transgenic mice.In year 1, we completed the expression survey of all 31 functional genes on this chromosome.Results from this study identified the TSPY gene to potentially play a significant role in prostate cancer development and/or progression.For the next two years of the project, we plan to focus on an expression-function evaluation of TSPY and other Y chromosome genes using transgenic mouse approach, proposed under Objective 2. These studies will provide important information regarding the role of this male-specific chromosome on prostatic oncogenesis and in development of new diagnostic procedures, and/or treatment for this disease.In addition, the generation of transgenic mouse models of prostate cancer will be invaluable in understanding the disease mechanisms, therapeutic strategies and prevention of prostate cancer. References 10
SUBJECT TERMSAppendices 11
INTRODUCTIONThe role of the Y chromosome in prostate cancer has been debated on numerous occasions (see reference 1 for review). Both a gain and a loss of this chromosome had been reported in the literature, suggesting the possible existence of an oncogene and tumor suppressor gene respectively. In the past, studies on the function of the Y chromosome in oncogenesis of male-specific organs, such as the prostate gland and testis, are limited due to the lack of information on the genetic content of this chromosome. Recent advances in positi...