In vitro maturation (IVM) of mammalian oocytes provides an alternative to traditional in vitro fertilization techniques for clinical treatment of infertility or animal breeding. IVM involves the collection of oocytes from the ovary prior to ovulation, with maturation occurring in a laboratory environment. The success of IVM is highly sensitive to the in vitro nutrient environment. The nurse cells surrounding the oocyte, known as cumulus cells, regulate this environment and removal of these cells reduces the ability of the oocyte to develop following insemination. Determining the nature of the interaction between the oocyte and cumulus cells, collectively called the cumulus-oocyte complex (COC), is a difficult task experimentally. Here we use a combination of experimental and mathematical techniques to investigate glucose transport within bovine COCs and find quantitative estimates of the glucose uptake rates of the oocyte and cumulus cells. Surprisingly, our modeling shows the rate of uptake of glucose by the oocyte to increase and then decrease with concentration, a result that needs further experimental investigation but which supports the expectation that high and low glucose concentrations are detrimental to oocyte development. The methodology described is suitable for use across species and for investigating the transport of other important nutrients within the COC.