Mitochondria1 transcription and processing of transcripts have been investigated at different stages of release from glucose repression in resting cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.Transcripts were identified by hybridization with nick-translated or terminally labelled gene-specific probes. This allowed the determination of the steady-state levels of individual transcripts in the mitochondrial RNA population.Results showed different gene-specific patterns of response to respiratory induction: no increase in the level of transcripts (oxi2); a rapid increase in the steady-state levels of all transcripts (cob); a very strong increase in the processing of the high-molecular-mass precursors (oxi3 and oli2); an increase in the level of stable circular transcripts (oxi3). As a whole the results indicate specific and differentiated effects of release from glucose repression on the expression of the different mitochondrial genes and demonstrate the importance of processing events in mitochondrial regulation.In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, release from glucose repression and the consequent increase in respiratory activity [I -31 involve important changes in mitochondrial morphology [4] and strong increases in the level of mitochondrial RNA polymerase [5] and in the rates of synthesis of mitochondrial respiratory enzymes [6]. In an attempt to elucidate the mitochondrial events accompanying glucose repression, we had previously compared the mitochondrial transcripts in growing repressed and derepressed cells; differences specific for the transcripts of various mitochondrial genes were noted [7].Recovery of respiratory capacity after release from glucose repression can be achieved in resting cells, thus allowing an examination of the time course of respiratory induction under conditions which are not affected by variations in growth rate [8]. We have, therefore, analyzed the steady levels of the transcripts of various mitochondrial genes at different stages after release from glucose repression in resting cells. The results allowed the identification of some steps that are specifically affected by glucose repression.
Strains and growth conditionsThe wild-type haploid strain D273-1 OB was grown aerobically at 28 "C in YP medium (1 % yeast extract, 1 YO peptone) containing 15% glucose or 2% galactose as the carbon source. Respiratory induction in resting cells was obtained under the following conditions: cells grown on 15% glucose were collected at the mid-exponential growth phase (about 8 -9 A600 n m units), washed three times and suspended at the same absorbance in the derepression buffer (67 mM phosphate pH 6.5, 2% lactate, 0.1 % glucose). As a control, a portion of the cells was suspended in the same buffer Abbreviation. DBM-paper, diazobenzyloximethyl-paper.containing 15% glucose as carbon source. Cultures were shaken vigorously at 28 "C. At various time intervals, samples were withdrawn for cell counting, respiration measurements and mitochondrial RNA (mtRNA) preparations.Respiration was measured with ...