Fluctuation-dissipation (FD) relation of the three-dimensional Heisenberg spin glass with weak random anisotropy is studied by off-equilibrium Monte Carlo simulation. Numerically determined FD ratio exhibits a "one-step-like" behavior, the effective temperature of the spin-glass state being about twice the spin-glass transition temperature, T eff ≃ 2Tg, irrespective of the bath temperature. The results are discussed in conjunction with the recent experiment by Hérisson and Ocio, and with the chirality scenario of spin-glass transition.Off-equilibrium dynamics of spin glass (SG) has attracted much recent interest [1]. In equilibrium, there holds a relation between the response and the correlation known as the fluctuation-dissipation theorem (FDT). In off-equilibrium, relaxation of physical quantities of SG depends on its previous history. Most typically, it depends not only on the observation time t but also on the waiting time t w , i.e., exhibits aging. While in the shorttime quasi-equilibrium regime t 0 << t << t w (t 0 is a microscopic time scale), relaxation is still stationary and FDT holds, it becomes non-stationary and FDT is broken in the long-time aging regime t >> t w . In particular, the breaking pattern of FDT, and its possible relation to the static quantity, has been the subject of recent active studies.A quantity playing a central role here is the so-called fluctuation-dissipation ratio (FDR) X, which may be defined by the relation,where R(t 1 , t 2 ) is a response function measured at time t 2 to an impulse field applied at time t 1 , C(t 1 , t 2 ) is a two-time correlation function in zero field at times t 1 and t 2 , and T is the bath temperature. One may regard T /X ≡ T eff as an effective temperature. In the case FDT holds, one has X = 1 and T eff = T . Via the study of certain mean-field models, Cugliandolo and Kurchan showed that, in the limit of infinite time t 1 , t 2 → ∞, the FDR X depended on the times t 1 and t 2 only through the correlation function C(t 1 , t 2 ), i.e., X(t 1 , t 2 ) = X(C(t 1 , t 2 )) [2]. It was further suggested that X(C) could be related to an appropriate static quantity, i.e., X(C) is equivalent to the x(q)-function describing the replica-symmetry breaking (RSB) pattern in the Parisi's scheme, which is related to the overlap distribution function via P (q) = dx(q) dq [2]. This conjecture was supported both by numerical simulation [3] and analytic work [4] (see, however, also ref. [5]).Experimental studies on the FDR of SG have been hampered for a long time by the difficulty in performing high-precision measurements of correlations (noise measurements), although some interesting preliminary results were reported [6]. Recently, however, a remarkable experiment by Hérisson and Ocio for an insulating Heisenberg SG CdCr 1.7 In 0.3 S 4 has eventually opened a door to experimental access to the FDR of SG [7]. Some comparison was already made between these expeirmental results and the numerical results obtained by offequilibrium simulation on certain SG models.Meanwhile,...