Purpose of Review
The purpose of this review is to highlight space autonomy advances across mission phases, capture the anticipated need for autonomy and associated rationale, assess state of the practice, and share thoughts for future advancements that could lead to a new frontier in space exploration.
Recent Findings
Over the past two decades, several autonomous functions and system-level capabilities have been demonstrated and used in spacecraft operations. In spite of that, spacecraft today remain largely reliant on ground in the loop to assess situations and plan next actions, using pre-scripted command sequences. Advances have been made across mission phases including spacecraft navigation; proximity operations; entry, descent, and landing; surface mobility and manipulation; and data handling. But past successful practices may not be sustainable for future exploration. The ability of ground operators to predict the outcome of their plans seriously diminishes when platforms physically interact with planetary bodies, as has been experienced in two decades of Mars surface operations. This results from uncertainties that arise due to limited knowledge, complex physical interaction with the environment, and limitations of associated models.
Robotics and autonomy are synergistic, wherein robotics provides flexibility, autonomy exercises it to more effectively and robustly explore unknown worlds. Such capabilities can be substantially advanced by leveraging the rapid growth in SmallSats, the relative accessibility of near-Earth objects, and the recent increase in launch opportunities.