sperm after chilling or freezing processes. Various carbohydrates, monosaccharides, and disaccharides had protective effects on frozenthawed sperm [17,18]. In that regard, the disaccharide trehalose (TRE) apparently potentiated activities of catalase, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione, thereby protecting sperm membranes from oxidative damage and lipid peroxidation [11]. In addition, cysteine (CYS) stimulates glutathione synthesis and decreased oxidative stress [19], improving bull sperm membrane integrity [9] and buck sperm motility [20].The use of TRE, CYS, and CAT for protecting cryopreserved sperm has been tested with varying results [21][22][23]. However, a simultaneous comparison of these compounds, added alone and in combination to extender for bull semen cryopreservation, has apparently not been reported. Our objective was to evaluate the effects of adding TRE, CYS, and CAT, individually or in combinations, to a Tris-based semen extender and determine the effects on diluted, chilled-equilibrated, and frozen-thawed bull semen characteristics.