Open and distance learning (ODL) provides accessible and customisable educational experiences. Its success depends on the technological preparation of learners, i.e., their skills, knowledge, attitudes, and digital tools. High-quality outcomes require precise tools to assess learner readiness. This study aims to develop and validate a modified version of the Parasuraman Technology Readiness Index (TRI) tailored to assess the technological readiness of ODL. It includes a detailed account of the development process, feedback from experts on content and language, and modifications for greater transparency and precision. Using a mixed-methods psychometric analysis, this study describes the steps taken to customise the instrument. These include item selection and adaptation (by the researcher), expert review of item content, item redesign (by the researcher), and statistical validation of the items (using CVI scoring) specifically for the ODL context. Through continuous refinement based on expert opinion, the instrument was refined to ensure accuracy, clarity, and representation of the intended constructs. The final version of the instrument has strong content validity (s-CVI=0.95, i-CVI/Ave=0.95, and s-CVI/UA=0.88) and effectively measures the dimensions of technology readiness (optimism, innovation readiness, discomfort, and insecurity) in the context of ODL.