Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods are used to sample from complicated multivariate distributions with normalizing constants that may not be computable in practice and from which direet sampling is not feasible. A fundamental problem is to determine convergence of the chains. Propp & Wilson (1996) devised a Markov chain algorithm called Coupling From The Past (CFTP) that solves this problem, as it produces exact samples from the target distribution and determines automatidy how long it needs to run. Exact sampling by CF"P and other methods is currently a thriving resuuch topic. This paper gives a review of some of thee ideas, with emphasis on the CFI'P dgorith. The concepts of coupling and monotone CFTP are introduced, and results on the running time of the algorithm presented. The interruptible method of F i l l (1998) and the method of Murdoch & Green (1998) for exact sampling for continuous distributions are presented. Novel simulation experiments are reported for exact sampling from the Ising model in the setting of Bayesian image restoration, and the results are compared to standard MCMC. The results show that C F " worka at least as well as standard MCMC, with convergence monitored by the method d M e r y & Lewis (19!E, 199a).