Light-Induced Excited Spin-State Trapping has been studied since 1982 in solution and 1984 in solid state as it offers a reversible way of photoswitching the electronic configuration of spin crossover systems. Since then, the lifetime of the photo-induced state was deeply investigated through kinetics measurements. In 1998, a fast and easy way to record the limit temperature above which the photo-induced state is erased, denoted T(LIESST), was introduced. This procedure has been widely used in the spin crossover community due to its easiness and its efficiency to provide detailed information on the photo-induced state. Correlations between T(LIESST) and structural parameters have been proposed for instance. However, it intrinsically contains drawbacks that can lead to misinterpretation of behaviours and can lead to an over-estimation of its scope. This review aims to present and discuss not only the correct way to measure T(LIESST) but also the essential contributions it has brought and the limits not to be exceeded in its interpretation.