We consider a relativistic particle model in an enlarged relativistic phase space, M 18 = (Xµ, Pµ, ηα, ηα, σα, σα, e, φ), which is derived from the free two-twistor dynamics. The spin sector variables (ηα, ηα, σα, σα) satisfy two second class constraints and account for the relativistic spin structure, and the pair (e, φ) describes the electric charge sector. After introducing the Liouville one-form on M 18 , derived by a non-linear transformation of the canonical Liouville one-form on the two-twistor space, we analyze the dynamics described by the first and second class constraints. We use a composite orthogonal basis in four-momentum space to obtain the scalars defining the invariant spin projections. The first-quantized theory provides a consistent set of wave equations, determining the mass, spin, invariant spin projection and electric charge of the relativistic particle. The wavefunction provides a generating functional for free, massive higher spin fields.