Abstract. We obtain two new characterizations of separativity of refinement monoids, in terms of comparability-type conditions. As applications, we get several equivalent conditions of separativity for exchange ideals.A commutative monoid (M, +, 0) has a refinement (or is a refinement monoid) if, for all a, b, c and d in M , the equation a+b = c+d implies the existence ofThese equations are represented in the form of a refinement matrix:
Refinement monoids have been extensively studied in recent years (cf. [4] and [7]). A commutative monoidSeparativity is a weak form of cancellativity for commutative monoids. Many authors have studied separative refinement monoids from various view-points (see [3][4] and [6][7]). In this article, we get two new characterizations of separative refinement monoids. We prove that every separative refinement monoid can be characterized by a certain sort of comparability. Also we introduce the concept of refinement extensions of a refinement monoid. We see that every separative refinement monoid can be characterized by such refinement extensions. Let I be an ideal of a ring R. We use F P (I) to denote the class of finitely generated projective right R-modules P with P = P I and V (I) to denote the monoid of isomorphism classes of objects from F P (I). Following Ara et al. (see [3]), an exchange ideal I of a ring R is separative if V (I) is a separative refinement monoid, that is, for any A, B, C ∈ F P (I),We say that R is a separative ring if R is separative as an ideal of R.Separativity plays a key role in the direct sum decomposition theory of exchange rings. It seems rather likely that non-separative exchange rings should exist. We say that an exchange ring R satisfies the comparability axiom provided that, for any finitely generated projective right R-modules A and B, either A ⊕ B or B ⊕ A. In [7, Theorem 3.9], Pardo showed that every