This study aims to analyze the students’ challenges in Extensive Listening class and find the strategies that students used to overcome those challenges. The researchers conducted this study to answer the questions of: What are the students’ challenges in Extensive Listening class? And What are the strategies for students to overcome those challenges in Extensive Listening class? This study used qualitative research. The participants of this study were ten students from 2019 and 2020 class year who had taken an Extensive Listening class majoring in English Language Education Program, Faculty of Language and Arts at Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana. In collecting the data, the researchers used online interviews through Zoom Meeting. The results of this study showed the students’ challenges in Extensive Listening class and strategies used to overcome the challenges in Extensive Listening class. The challenges faced by students in the Extensive Listening class were divided into internal and external factors. In the internal factors consisted of only one participant. Meanwhile, external factors consisted of six participants. Besides the challenges, this study also showed the strategies used by students to overcome the challenges and improve their listening skills, and it consisted of 10 strategies.