Sixteen male patients aging from 20 to 35 years had been submitted to Reconstructive Surgery with pediculate remnant of nape, from 2000 to 2003, at the Plastic Surgery Department of Agamenon Magalhães Hospital, Recife, Pernambuco (Brazil), for treatment of chronic inflammatory injuries of mycotic origin and 1 case of secondary injury due to electric burning with scalp necrosis and bone exposition, all located in occipital region. The internment time varied between 3 and 4 days. Three cases of necrosis of remnant tip had been identified, in retro-auricular region, measuring between 0.5 cm and 1 cm that had healed by second intention. Any case of pedicular necrosis or infection has been registered.The proposal technique presented advantages as the correction in only one surgical procedure and the direct closing of the injury with a good cosmetic aspect. As disadvantages, there were increase of glabrous area and, sometimes, the presence of hypertrophic scar, which, in patients´ opinion, did not compromise their quality of life.