St. Augustinegrass [Stenotaphrum secondatum (Walt.) Kuntze] is a home lawn grass widely used in the southern United States. At present, phosphorus (P) fertilization of St. Augustinegrass is based primarily on Mehlich 1 P test. One criticism of Mehlich 1 extractant is that it extracts some fraction of soil P pool that is not available to plants, whereas, iron (Fe) oxide P and water-extractable P methods are reported to be better related to plant growth in some cases. Literature relative to the soil test procedure comparison for St. Augustinegrass was not found. The objective of this study was to evaluate Mehlich 1 P, Fe oxide P, and water-extractable P to identify the most suitable soil test method for St. Augustinegrass growth. Established pots of 'Floratam' were subjected to P application of 0, 0.14, 0.27, 0.54, and 1.07 g m 22 every 4 wk for 12 wk. Measurements included tissue growth rates, tissue P concentration, soil Mehlich 1 P, Fe oxide P, and water-extractable P concentrations. Phosphorus application increased soil test P concentrations. Soil Mehlich 1 P, Fe oxide P, and water-extractable P concentrations were closely correlated to each other. Three soil test P levels and tissue P concentrations were highly correlated with Mehlich 1 P, which best predicted tissue P levels. Three soil test P levels were also closely correlated to the St. Augustinegrass top growth rate. Critical minimum Fe oxide 2234 P and water-extractable P concentration was 3 mg kg 21 . Overall, Mehlich 1 P was the best soil P test for St. Augustinegrass among the three extractants tested.