We perform a global analysis of all recent experimental data from elastic parity-violating electron scattering at low Q 2 . The values of the electric and magnetic strange form factors of the nucleon are determined at Q 2 = 0.1 GeV/c 2 to be G s E = −0.008 ± 0.016 and G s M = 0.29 ± 0.21.DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.76.025202 PACS number(s): 11.30. Er, 13.40.Gp, 13.60.Fz The existence of a "sea" of quarks and antiquarks in the nucleon has been firmly established in deep-inelastic lepton scattering experiments as well as in the production of dilepton pairs (the Drell-Yan process). However, demonstrating the role of theseqq pairs in the static electromagnetic properties of the nucleon has been a more elusive and difficult task.As the lightest quark that contributes only to the qq sea, the strange quark provides a unique window on the role of the sea in the nucleon's electromagnetic structure. As suggested by Kaplan and Manohar [1], knowledge of neutral current form factors, when combined with electromagnetic form factors, provides access to the contribution of strange quarks to these form factors. At low momentum transfers, the neutral current form factors can be determined through parity-violating (PV) electron scattering experiments [2,3].During the last decade, there has been dramatic progress in the study of the strange quark-antiquark contributions to the nucleon elastic electromagnetic form factors. A series of definitive PV electron scattering experiments along with several theoretical studies now provides a basis for extracting precision information on these strange quark contributions. In this work we report the results of a global analysis of all these experiments, including both the latest data obtained in experiments performed at the Jefferson Laboratory and the appropriate theoretical input on radiative corrections, and obtain values for the strange electric and magnetic form factors of the nucleon at a four-momentum transfer Q 2 = 0.1 GeV/c 2 . We have also studied the sub-leading Q 2 dependence of these two form factors and found that so far the data do not provide conclusive information.
I. STRANGE FORM FACTORS AND PARITY-VIOLATING ELECTRON SCATTERINGThe nucleon vector strange form factors, G s E and G s M , characterize the contribution of the strange sea quarks to the nucleon electromagnetic form factors, and thereby their contribution to the charge and magnetization distributions in the nucleon. where A nvs is the "non-vector-strange" asymmetry (independent of G s E and G s M ) and η E and η M are functions of kinematic quantities, nucleon electromagnetic form factors, and nuclear models (for nonhydrogen targets).For elastic e-p scattering, the full form of the asymmetry is [4]where M p is the mass of the proton and θ is the electron scattering angle. In Eq. (2), G F and α are the Fermi and fine structure constants, respectively. Q 2 is the four-momentum transfer. G (p,n) E,M are the proton and neutron electric and magnetic form factors, while G e A is the proton axial form factor seen by an elec...