In this paper, we propose a common theoretical framework for type based static functional analyses. The aim is to study the relationships between typing and program analysis. We present a variant of Girard's System F called F Π ≤: . We prove some basic properties of F Π ≤: such as strong normalization, Church-Rosser property, subject reduction etc. We show how F Π ≤: can be used to formalize various program analyses like binding time and dead code, and to encompass previous analyses both in expressivness (often only simply typed calculi are considered) and power (more information can be found on some programs).features polymorphism as well as subtyping at the level of universe extending a previous authors work where only universe polymorphism (on a simply typed calculus). was considered Abstract In this paper, we propose a common theoretical framework for type based static functional analyses. The aim is the study of relationships between typing and program analysis.