The demand for noble metals is increasing, owing to their excellent chemical and physical properties. In order to meet the demand, the recovery of noble metals with high purity from diverse secondary resources, which contain small amounts of noble metals, is of immense value. In this work, the possibility of the separation of Au(III), Pd(II), Pt(IV), Rh(III), and Ir(IV) by solvent extraction from a synthetic HCl solution is investigated. Only Au(III) was selectively extracted by Cyanex 272 in the HCl concentration range from 0.5 M to 9 M, leaving the other metal ions in the raffinate. The loaded Au(III) in Cyanex 272 was efficiently stripped by (NH2)2CS. The other four noble metals were sequentially separated on the basis of the procedures reported in the previous work. The mass balance showed that about 98% of each metal, except Pt(IV), was recovered by the proposed process. An efficient process for the recovery of the five noble metal ions from the HCl leaching solution of secondary resources containing these metals can be developed.