“…Extracts were fractionated by sizeexclusion high-performance liquid chromatography (SE-HPLC) on a TSK G4000SWXL column (Tosoh Europe N.V., Lyon, France) using phosphate elution buffer including 0.1% (w/v) SDS with detection at 214 nm. Chromatograms of SDS-soluble extracts were integrated into five fractions (large glutenin polymers, 750,000 < Mr < 2,000,000; small glutenin polymers, 90,000 < Mr < 750,000; u-gliadins 55,000 < Mr < 90,000; g-/bgliadins, 18,000 < Mr < 55,000; albumin/globulin and a-gliadins, 5000 < Mr < 18,000) on the basis of elution time and according to the known molecular size range of the different soluble wheat storage proteins (Dupont et al, 2008). Results are presented as mg of N per grain, percent of glutenin polymers or as percent of total protein, calculated from the sums of the areas of the chromatograms of SDS-insoluble and SDS-soluble fractions, after correction for solid to solvent ratios.…”