Negative hydrogen ions have found important applications in particle accelerators and in fusion research. These ions can be generated from two different types of ion sources -the surface conversion source and the volume production source. Recent experiments demonstrate that H" current exceeding 1 A can be obtained from both types of ion sources. Because of the lower H" ion temperature and the fact that they can be operated without cesium, volume H" sources are highly desired. However, further technology must be developed on the control of electrons and the reduction of gas flow
i-IntroductionThe use of H" ions for accelerator applications was first proposed by Alvarez in 1951. 1 Since then, H" have found important applications in cyclotrons and tandem accelerators, in fueling storage rings of high energy accelerators, and in generating energetic neutral beams (E > 150 keV) for heating and for current drive in fusion plasmas. Negative hydrogen ions can be formed by double charge exchange processes or by direct extraction from a negative ion source. In general, two distinct types of H" ion sources can be identified: (1) surface conversion sources -in which the H" ions are generated by particle collisions with low work function surfaces, and (2) volume production sources -in which the negative ions are produced by electron-molecule and electron-ion collision processes in the volume of a discharge plasma. Because of the smaller beam omittance and the fact that they can be operated without cesium, volume H~ sources are now being developed by various high energy and fusion laboratories in the world. This article reviews the development and some of the latest technology of these two types of negative ion sources. It can be seen that in just twenty years, H" ion beams have been improved from several milli-ampere to more than 1 ampere.
II. Surface-produced H" ion sourcesThere are two major types of surface conversion H" ion sources. One type uses a Penning discharge geometry (for example the planotron source)or an E x B discharge configuration (for example the magnetron source). The second type employs the multicusp plasma generator as the discharge chamber. This source was originally developed at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory for neutral beam application. Recently, it has been used as an H" -2-source for particle accelerators at Los Alamos National Laboratory and at KEK in Japan.In 1972, the Novosibirsk group discovered that the yield of H" ions was increased from 5 to 20 mA by adding cesium to the hydrogen discharge in a planotron source. H" current density greater than 3 A/cm 2 has been achieved in milli-second pulses. 2 The function of the cesium is twofold: first, it acts as a sputtering agent, and second, it lowers the work function of the target surface so as to enhance the negative ion formation.In Novosibirsk, a multi-slit planotron source with one dimensional In normal operation, cesium is introduced into the discharge so as to lower the work function of the converter and consequently enhance the H"yiel...