“…It was shown that the kidney suffering from NDP had a different sensitivity to physiologically active substances including hormones (Azhipa, 1974) and mineralocorticoid aldosterone, in particular (Azhipa and Filyashina, 1980;Akimov andKositsin, 2002, 2003). It was manifested as defective reabsorption of sodium ion during NDP and inadequate renal response to aldosterone administration, which normally increases reabsorption of this ion (Crabbe, 1966(Crabbe, , 1972 due to the effect of aldosterone on sodium transport in cells of many tissues and organs, particularly, in cells of renal tubules (Losert et al ., 1964;Marver et al ., 1974). In recent decades, the involvement of corticosteroids in various body functions including nervous system activity has been actively explored (Miyashita and Hamada, 1966;De Cloet et al ., 1990;De Cloet, 1991;Maccari et al ., 1992;Deroche et al ., 1995;Akimov, 1998Akimov, , 2000.…”