Among the various advantages of optical fibers (OFs), low attenuation remains one of the most significant features, especially in the second and third telecom windows (around 0.5 and 0.2 dB km À1 ) at 1.31 and 1.55 μm wavelengths. [1] Ongoing studies are underway to limit as much as possible optical losses to overcome the limitations encountered in the design of telecommunication systems, to transfer information over longer distances (trans-oceanic transmission) without repeaters and/or signal regeneration. To date, the aforementioned attenuation limit, typically referring to commercial germanosilicate OFs (as the Corning SMF-28 and its latest enhanced versions) has been passed by a new generation of ultralow loss (ULL) OFs, whose core is composed essentially of pure silica (PSC-pure-silica core) with a low fluorine codoping. [2] With an appropriate and optimized manufacturing process, this new class of waveguides allows reducing the disorder in the microscopic glass structure and, as a result, the Rayleigh scattering losses that mostly explained the attenuation at Telecom windows. Losses as low as 0.14 dB km À1 at 1550 nm are today achieved. [2] When OFs are integrated in harsh environments associated with radiation constraints (e.g., space applications, fusiondevoted facilities, nuclear waste repositories), new sources of optical losses are added to the fiber intrinsic attenuation. In fact, radiations degrade the signal propagation inside the OF by generating radiation-induced point defects in the silica glass matrix. [3] These defects are associated with different absorption bands peaking in the ultraviolet, visible and infrared domains, reducing the silica transparency. This phenomenon, called radiation-induced attenuation (RIA), then logically depends on the OF intrinsic characteristics (chemical composition, geometry, and manufacturing process), on the environmental constraints (nature of particles, dose, dose rate, and temperature) as well as on the fiber profile of use (probing wavelength, signal power, and temperature). Indeed, all these parameters influence the defect generation efficiency or recovery processes through thermal or photo-assisted processes.From literature, it is known that PSC and F-doped OFs are, in terms of RIA, among the most radiation-resistant waveguides. [3,4] However, a new commercial ULL-PSC OF, the Corning Vascade EX1000, was recently found to be characterized by very high radiation-induced losses (up to a few dB m À1 after kGy dose levels) located in the infrared range of the spectrum. These losses were attributed to the presence of two overlapping absorption bands peaked around 1030 nm (%1.2 eV) and 1330 nm (%0.9 eV),