LONG-TERM GOALS(a) To provide an accurate, efficient, computational model (two-scale approximation, TSA) for the 4-wave interactions, in operational wave forecast models, suitable for global, basin and coastal scale applications, and able to transition seamlessly from deep to shallow water.(b) Fully test TSA with respect to exact codes for the full Boltzmann integral (FBI), for durationlimited, fetch-limited wave growth, turning winds, swell-windsea, interactions, etc.(c) Numerically investigate and clarify the basis for TSA, its limitations, errors, enhancements, improvements, self-similarity properties, and spectral flux properties.(d) Implement TSA in a variety of modern operational wave forecast models, e.g. WAVEWATCH TM (WW3) and SWAN for extensive tests on important, realistic wave conditions.(e) Derive, adapt and implement new formulations for source terms, S in and S ds , from recent literature and the NOPP partnership, with TSA, in modern wave models, for tests, including veering or accelerating winds, sea and swell interactions, and real storm cases.
OBJECTIVESFor this reporting period:1) Optimize the implementation of TSA in WAVEWATCHIII (WW3), using a recent WW3 model version, maximizing the efficiency, with verification tests of TSA codes using accepted source terms for wind input and dissipation (S in and S ds ).2) Derive new formulations for S in and S ds , based on first principles, theoretical, numerical and field studies, from recent published model studies and experiments, and make comparisons with source terms currently in use in the waves community, using WW3 as a template.3) Conduct tests and verification studies using TSA and applying accepted S in and S ds formulations,
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