We report a modified procedure for separating Mg and Al from meteorites and terrestrial igneous rocks for high-precision analysis of Mg isotopes with multiple collector-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. The separating procedure was carried out in a single ion-exchange column filled with AG50W-X12 resin, and Mg was eluted with 1 M HNO 3 , followed by Al eluted with 4M HNO 3 . The modified procedure efficiently eliminates most matrix elements (except for Ni, Co, and Cu) with a recovery yield of Mg > 99%. Measurements of Ni-, Co-, and Cu-bearing simulation solutions revealed no detectable matrix effects. However, test runs demonstrated significant mass-dependent fractionation during the chromatographic process; consequently, a high recovery yield of Mg (>99%) is required to limit the deviation to less than 0.05&. Furthermore, analysis of Mg standard solution with a wide range of concentrations demonstrated negligible deviation for samples with concentrations of 0.3-2.5 mg ml
À1Mg relative to Mg standard solution concentrations of 1 mg ml À1 Mg. The total procedure bank is less than 2 ng. The long-term reproducibility of instrumental measurements of Mg isotopes is AE0.05& for d