The recent contribution [1] obtained representations of max-stable stationary Brown-Resnick process ζ Z (t), t ∈ R d with spectral process Z being Gaussian. With motivations from [1] we derive for general Z, representations for ζ Z via exponential tilting of Z. Our findings concern Dieker-Mikosch representations of max-stable processes, two-sided extensions of stationary max-stable processes, infargmax representation of max-stable distribution, and new formulas for generalised Pickands constants. Our applications include conditions for the stationarity of ζ Z , a characterisation of Gaussian distributions and an alternative proof of Kabluchko's characterisation of Gaussian processes with stationary increments.1 2 ENKELEJD HASHORVA One canonical instance is the classical Brown-Resnick construction with B a centred Gaussian process with covariance function r and thus 2 ln E{e B(t) } = r(t, t) =: σ 2 (t), t ∈ T . In view of [14] the law of ζ Z is determined by the incremental variance function γ(s, t) = V ar(B(t)−B(s)), s, t ∈ T . This fact can be shown by utilising the tilted spectral process Ξ h Z, h ∈ T defined byThe law of Ξ h Z is uniquely determined by the following conditions: Ξ h Z is Gaussian, Ξ h Z(h) = 0 almost surely (a.s.) and the incremental variance function of Ξ h Z is γ. Note that these conditions do not involve σ 2 . Next, setting Z [h] (t) = B(t) − σ 2 (t)/2 + r(h, t) we have