Re sults: Of 79 cases, 43 (54%) were males and 36 (46%) were females. Mean age of the patients was 53 years (range: 10-82 years). Benign eyelid tumors were most commonly seen in the sixth decade of life (29%). Histopathological diagnoses of benign eyelid tumors were as follows: nevus (15 patients, 19%), papilloma (15 patients, 19%), seborrheic keratosis (11 patients, 14%), inflammatory lesions (10 patients, 13%), epidermal inclusion cyst (8 patients, 10%) and sudoriferous cyst (6 patients, 7%). Cutaneous nevi were most commonly seen in the seventh decade (40%), mean age was 51 years and 67% of patients were women. Papillomas were most commonly seen in the sixth decade (40%), mean age was 50 years and 53% of patients were women. Seborrheic keratoses were most commonly seen in the seventh decade (36%), mean age was 58 years and 82% of patients were men. Inflammatory lesions were most commonly seen in the sixth decade (50%), mean age was 59 years and male to female ratio was equal. Dis cus si on: Nevi and papillomas were the most common benign tumors of the eyelids. These were followed by seborrheic keratoses and inflammatory lesions. More than 50% of benign eyelid tumors are seen between the ages of 50 and 70. In this series of patients, nevi were more commonly encountered in women, whereas seborrheic keratoses were more common in men. (Turk J Ophthalmol 2012; 42: 43-6)