Aesthetical treatment is a challenge to dental practice, especially by the subjectivity of an ideal aesthetical model, to achieve harmony between face and smile. To reestablish the harmony of the smile, aesthetical diagrams analyses are proposed previously to restorative interventions and computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) chair-side system can help. Besides, the use of CAD/CAM chair-side system could reduce both chair and laboratory processing time. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to report the obtention of all-ceramic crowns, obtained in IPS Empress CAD Multi Block, to reestablish the aesthetical harmony of the anterior region. The CAD/CAM use was the Cerec Sirona chairside CAD/CAM system and the mock-up, used to preview the aesthetic of the treatment, was made using prefabricated models belonging to the books "ANTERIORES" by Jan Hajto. The main difficulty of the case was to maintain harmony between the crowns of the two central and one lateral incisors and other lateral incisor.