Abstract. This paper presents a novel method for hierarchically organizing large face databases, with application to efficient identity-based face retrieval. The method relies on metric learning with local binary pattern (LBP) features. On one hand, LBP features have proved to be highly resilient to various appearance changes due to illumination and contrast variations while being extremely efficient to calculate. On the other hand, metric learning (ML) approaches have been proved very successful for face verification 'in the wild', i.e. in uncontrolled face images with large amounts of variations in pose, expression, appearances, lighting, etc. While such ML based approaches compress high dimensional features into low dimensional spaces using discriminatively learned projections, the complexity of retrieval is still significant for large scale databases (with millions of faces). The present paper shows that learning such discriminative projections locally while organizing the database hierarchically leads to a more accurate and efficient system. The proposed method is validated on the standard Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) benchmark dataset with millions of additional distracting face images collected from photos on the internet.