UTI pediátrica: o significado do cuidar na perspectiva da mãePediatric ICU: the meaning of taking care in the mother's perspective UCI pediátrica: el significado de cuidar en la perspectiva de la madre
ABSTRACTObjective: To understand the significance of maternal involvement in the care of hospitalized children in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). Method: Descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Data were collected in October 2013, through semi-structured interviews with eight mothers. The reports were submitted to thematic content analysis. Results: Presented in four categories: "Recognition of maternal function"; "Care as a resource for coping"; "Learning to take care occurs observing and caring" and "Role of nursing staff. " Conclusion: It is essential practitioners to be sensitive before the needs of mothers, resulting in hospitalization of children process, reinforce the positive aspects of their stay in healthcare settings, and at the same time, intervene on the negatives, thus providing a comprehensive, humane and qualified care to the binomial in the hospital environment. "Reconocimiento de la función materna"; "El cuidado como un recurso para hacer frente"; "Aprender a cuidar se produce la observación y el cuidado" y "El papel del personal de enfermería. " Conclusión: Es esencial que los profesionales sean sensibles ante las necesidades de las madres, lo que resulta en el proceso de hospitalización, se refuerzan los aspectos positivos y los aspectos negativos intervienen, proporcionando una atención integral, humana y calificada para el binomio. Descriptores: Enfermería Familiar, Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos, la relación entre padres e hijos.