The rapid advancement of technology in the modern era has led to an increase in battery requirements. [1] Batteries are electrochemical devices that are able to convert chemical energy into electrical energy and can store electrical energy in the form of chemical energy through electrochemical reactions, which involve the transfer of electrons from between other materials through an electrical circuit. [2] Ideal batteries should have high specific energy and power density, [3,4] low cost, [5] resistance to interference, [6] and good life cycle. [7,8] One of the most widely used battery types today is the Li-ion battery. [9] This battery became popular because it has various advantages such as specific capacity (100-180 Ah kg À1 ), [10] no memory effect, [11] and environmental-friendly property, because the power reduction process is slow when not in use, [12] energy can be increased by the chargeÀdischarge process, [13] gravimetric density in electrical equipment applications (94 Wh kg À1 ) is higher than NiÀCd batteries (35 Wh kg À1 ) and NiÀMH (47 Wh kg À1 ), [14] specific power (300 W kg À1 ), [15] and a relatively long life cycle (%1000 cycles). [16] The LiB-based electrode material provides an advantage in its use because Li has a standard potential (-3.05 V vs the standard hydrogen electrode), has the lowest atomic mass (6.94 g mol À1 , ρ ¼ 0.53 g cm À3 ) of all metals, [17] and has the third smallest radius (145 pm) compared with other single charged ions so that it is able to diffuse ionically well. [18] Li (alkali metal) is able to remove its valence electrons easily and act as a graphene N-doping agent, so that it can form strong ionic bonds (with LiÀgraphene spacing as 0.25 nm) to modify the magnetic and electronic properties of graphene. [19,20] The atomic charges of Li and Li þ in the Li/graphene alloy are þ0.654 and þ0.721, respectively, indicating that Li has dual properties, namely, as an electron donor and acceptor on the graphene surface. [21,22] However, until now, there are still various problems in the development of Li-based LiB electrode materials, namely, 1) the expensive price of Li raw material (%$6000/ton) and [23] the decreasing availability of lithium metal in nature [24] and 2) Li, as a chemically reactive metal with its anode surface, shows dendritic growth at high current densities, which can cause internal short circuits and serious safety issues and can damage performance and reduce battery life. [25]