A estimulação cerebral em pacientes com acidente vascular cerebral está associada a melhoria no desempenho motor e a incremento de eficácia na função neuronal , annually, about 15 million people are affected by cerebrovascular accidents (CVA), also known as stroke, with almost one-third of them suffering from some sort of disability. Consequences of CVA can be observed from a deep neural examination and may be presumed as the effect of the destruction of previously existing communications among a myriad of neurons responsible for the vandalized functions.The possible restoration could be presumed as being at the order of some sophisticated organic process normally under the conception of human brain neural plasticity [2][3][4] . In addition, in a theoretical point of view, one may expect that
ABSTRACTAccording to World Health Organization, approximately 15 million people are affected by cerebrovascular accident in the world. We study the effect of brain stimulation plus an imaging procedure used as biofeedback training for recovery of motor functions impaired by CVA. Four individuals aged between 33 and 72 years were included in the study, of both genders, with hemiparesis on the left arm due to the CVA. They had their brain activity monitored by EEG. Functional tasks were evaluated according to an observational model proposed by the international classification of functioning and by runtime. The training was composed of 12 sessions of 30 minutes of stimulation by light and sound, as well as imaging procedures. Results revealed that improvements in the performance of the task, with regard to both the runtime and the functional quality of movements, are more related to the increase of effectiveness of neuronal function.Key words: stroke, motor neurons, deep brain stimulation.
RESUMOSegundo a Organização Mundial da Saúde, aproximadamente 15 milhões de pessoas no mundo sofrem acidente vascular cerebral (AVC). Estudaram-se os efeitos da estimulação cerebral associada à imagética, como treinamento de biofeedback, para a recuperação das funções motoras deterioradas pelo AVC. Foram incluidos 4 indivíduos com idade entre 33 e 72 anos, de ambos os gêneros, e com hemiparesia no braço esquerdo devido ao AVC. Esses pacientes tiveram a atividade cerebral monitorada por EEG. A tarefa funcional foi avaliada de acordo com o modelo de observação proposto pela Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade e pelo tempo de execução. O treinamento consistiu de 12 sessões de 30 minutos de estimulação por luz e som associado à imagética. Os resultados revelaram melhoria no desempenho da tarefa, tanto em relação ao tempo de execução quanto à qualidade funcional do movimento, e que está mais relacionada com o incremento de eficácia da função neuronal.Palavras-Chave: acidente vascular cerebral, neurônios motores, estimulação encefálica profunda.