For systems that involve particle production through branching processes the concept of chaos is explored. The measures that can describe their behaviors are investigated. Monte Carlo simulation is used to generate events according to perturbative QCD and an Abelian model. It is shown how the measures proposed distinguish the two cases in ways that characterize the chaotic behavior.It has been known for some time that the nonlinear, non-Abelian dynamics of the classical Yang-Mills eld has chaotic solutions 1, 2]. More recently, it has been shown by lattice calculation that the classical non-Abelian gauge theory generally exhibits deterministic chaos and that the Lyapunov exponents can be numerically determined 3, 4, 5]. How to extend the investigation to the quantum theory is, however, unclear inasmuch as the notion of quantum chaos for such dynamics is not well de ned 6, 7]. In this paper we take the rst step in that direction, not just going into the quantum dynamics of a nonlinear theory, but into the realm of particle production of quantized elds.In this uncharted territory we have very little guidance on what to study in search for signs of chaos. It is not clear what a trajectory is in QCD, even less the distance between two trajectories. What exactly is the Kolmogorov entropy, well de ned in classical dynamics 8], is also unclear in the multiparticle production problem. Our rst objective is therefore to the nd some measure that can play the role of distance between trajectories and some other quantity that conveys the loss of information in the nal state.