The aim of the study is to determine the blind spots of women's entrepreneurship. This study was conducted with 46 women entrepreneurs registered to Adana Chamber of Industry in Turkey in September 2019. A phenomenological research method was adopted in this research. The coding process (conceptualization, classification, component analysis) proposed by Miles and Huberman (1994) was used respectively in data analysis. Findings revealed that the blind spot in entrepreneurship is the dead spot in entrepreneurship according to the field of view of the entrepreneur, which can be prevented with a different perspective and proactive behaviors, which prevents the predicting of unexpected results. A second eye is required to identify the blind spots. In addition, teamwork, transparent management, outsourcing, increasing employeeleader interaction, and referring to external stakeholder opinions can make the blind spot visible. Arrogance and unflexible personality traits, transform the desire of self-realization into an irrepressible ambition, excessive self-confidence are other factors that cause the blind spot. A second eye (consultant, coach, CEO, etc.) is needed to reduce the negative impact of the blind spot on entrepreneurship success. In addition, referring to the ideas of the stakeholders, suppliers, customers, consumers, employees about the success and path of entrepreneurship, teamwork, transparent management, are crucial issues for determining the blind spots. Exceptional circumstances such as illness, legal barriers, climate, and war may cause essential blind spots. Preventing them may be possible by creating vision and strategy in entrepreneurship, and proactive behaviors. In the context of all these findings and recommendations, this study contributes to the literature regarding the subjects of determination of blind spot in entrepreneurship and cope with, and blind-spot leadership. The limitation of the sample to the province of Adana limited the generalizability of the study. The practical implications of the study show that outsourcing, exceptional circumstances, transparent management, proactive behavior, personal characteristics are the key factors for the blind spots of the women's entrepreneurship. Training can be provided to women entrepreneurs to raise awareness about blind spots of entrepreneurship, and chambers of commerce and industry can organize some activities on this issue. This is the first study which reveals the blind spots of the women's entrepreneurship. Theoretical background, discussion, managerial implications, limitations and recommendations for future studies are discussed.