Information and communication technologies (ICT) plays an important role in the development of countries and reach of new field of activity. For this reason, the age we are in is an era when Information and Communication Technologies are considered as the primary means of production. Despite the fact that ICT is being used by everyone, as this area is relatively less preferred as a profession, there is a decline in the number of ICT workers across the globe. For qualified labour force which needed by the ICT sector, the creation of new employment opportunities with ICT, to be increased in the number of ICT education students, and the emerging professions in ICT training need to be considered as primarily. This study aims at exploring the impact of gender, digital competence, computer anxiety, internet addiction and perception variables related to the field of ICT on the career choice of high school seniors and college freshmen who continue their ICT education. In this research, relational model of quantitative research methods was used and direct or indirect predictive structural relationship among the variables were examined. In line with direct and indirect effects which were examined within the frame of structural model, it has been seen in the university group that there is a positive relationship among individuals' gender, their perceptions to the field of ICT, computer anxiety, levels of digital competence and the career choice in this field. The findings obtained from high school group revealed that variables in the model were the predictive of career choice in the field of ICT. The results of this study indicate that in these two groups which chose their career field and which were about to choose their field; the relation of variables which predict the career choice related to the field of ICT differentiates. Furthermore, it can be said that individuals' gender, their levels of digital competence, computer anxiety, internet addiction level and perception of the field of ICT are all predictive variables while choosing a career in this field.