It requires every Muslim to read the Quran. This is one aim of Islamic Religious Education (IRE) in higher education so that students can read the Quran. Only about 70% of students cannot achieve this educational goal. One reason, mistakenly applying the learning method. Bilhikmah is a fast method of reading the Quran, which is proven effective. This training activity aims to provide the Bilhikmah method to prospective tutors (instructors) of the Al-Furqan Mosque of UPI. The target is that 70% of 80 prospective tutors can implement this method. The training uses a variety of methods, namely presentations, questions and answers, demonstrations, practices, a small group guidance, and individual guidance. The results of the training almost all participants mastered this method. During the activity, the participants seriously listened to the advantages of this method. They also seriously practiced small groups on how to teach this method. Almost all trainees (90%) were then recruited to become tutors at the UPI Mosque. Thus, this training exceeded the target. Each of them then guided 10 tutorial participants. After being guided for three months, 7 out of 10 participants can read the Quran. The implication is that training on the Bilhikmah method needs to be continued in university mosques.