Mobile learning implementation at school is a must and meets what students currently need. To facilitate those conditions, teachers also need to have competencies in managing online learning. This research is a descriptive research to find out the experience of students who are prospective teachers when attending the mobile learning course supporting Moodle open source application on the topic of 'designing online learning'. Constructivist On-Line Learning Environment Survey (COLLES) questionnaire which is installed on learning management system was used to find out the learning experience. This poll includes six aspects which are relevance level, the reflective level for students, student interactivity level, tutor support level, peer support level and communication level of student and tutor (interpretation). Each aspect consists of 4 items, so there are 24 items in total. Learning strategy used is project-based learning. The final product is online learning design for physics. Analyzing data from the questionnaire, the highest score is relevance (86.54%), followed by peer support (83.65%), tutor support (78.85%), reflective thinking (73.08%), interpretation (70.19%), and the lowest one is interactivity (69.23%). This result shows that altogether students experience positive learning through online learning.