Consumer neuro-science is a new fi eld in marketing, which aims to predict the consumer behaviour and to obtain information about feelings and preferences based on the physiological changes. We can objectively reveal our inexplicable behaviour to which we are not able to answer using a questionnaire in the traditional market research. An accurate measurement enables marketers to compare the response during research, such as the impact moments associated with a particular product or brand, how they react to diff erent marketing stimuli. Th e paper aims to assess the current possibilities of the interdisciplinary examination of wines as well as to identify new opportunities for the current utilization of the knowledge of modern research methods. Th e research was conducted by measuring the electrical activity of the brain through the electroencephalography (EEG) and the software platform for analysing facial expressions. Th e research objective was the recognition of consumer emotions during the tasting of eight kinds of blank samples of wine. Using the interdisciplinary research, we identifi ed facial expressions (happiness, sadness, disgust, neutral emotions, anger and surprise) that were captured immediately after tasting each type of test wines and the electrical activity in the brain based on which we have identifi ed the valence of consumers. Th e achieved results confi rm that neuro-marketing can be a useful tool that will help manufacturers and sellers to off er products that truly and not only in appearance satisfy customers. Ideally, this should lead to more a satisfi ed and better functioning market supply and demand and market positioning.