In some STEM degrees (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), the interest for developing a PhD or scientific career starts at the end of 4th year course, or even during Master specialization. However, authors believe that research vocations can be encouraged since the very first university steps, but specific activities need to be designed in order to successfully accomplish this goal. Therefore, the present work aims to foster scientific attitude in students of 1st year of technical degrees (Physics, Data Science and Industrial Engineering) by means of a challenge-based learning activity, in the context of the subject Mathematical Analysis.The activity was carried out with three different groups of 37, 35 and 7 students. In the first step, the students were given a questionnaire in order to check their knowledge and interests on scientific research. In other session, the professors explained to them the basics of the scientific method, the structure of a scientific paper and a scientific congress. Afterwards, the students were arranged in groups of three people to work on a specific paper, which they had to deeply understand in order to answer a set of questions. In the last stage, the groups were asked to work on a review paper about Mathematics applied to different fields of study. To this aim, they were provided information on available data bases. This paper was then evaluated by the professors through a specifically designed rubric, and it contributed to the final mark of the students.After the activity, all the students were given a new questionnaire to test how their perception about scientific research had been modified, as well as to check their level of understanding about scientific investigation.The close and permanent contact with the students along the activity is crucial to carry on this study. Therefore, several sessions during 1st semester of the present academic year are being used to work on this activity with the students in the classroom.