Abnormal microbiological contamination of the small intestine among school-age children of the high and low socioeconomic strataMicrobiological contamination ol the enviroment induces chronic enviromental enteropathy, characlerized by mild to moderate morphological and functional changes o( the small intestinal mucosa. Bacterial colonization was evaluated in 31 1 school aged children (1 55 of the high (H-SES] and 1 56 of the low (L-SES) socioeconomic strata) by means of Ihe breath H 2 test. Samples were obtained after overnight fast and every 15 minutes for 240 minutes following the ingestion of 1 50 mg • kg laclulose. A health queslionaire that included information about food and medicines ingestion, alcohol consumption, smoking and intolerance to foodstuffs was also applied. In 30% of the children basal H 2 excretion was above 10 ppm. In 18,1% of the H-SES and 4.5% of the L-SES (p < 0.0001) H 2 excretion was higher than 20 ppm In the first 90 minutes. Colonic peaks (> 20 ppm between 90 and 240 minutes) were detected in 78./% of the H-SES and 40,4% of the L-SES [p< 0.0001). In 1 8.7% and 48.7% of the H-SES and L-SES, respectively, curves were flat (basal excretion < 10 ppm and increments < 20 ppm). Chronic environmental enteropathy is already present in school age children. The lower breath H? excretion observed in low socioeconomic individuals may be due to diferences in quality and quantity of the diet.(Key words: enleropathy, microbiological contamination, breath H 2 excretion, laclulose, school-age children.)Una de las caracteristicas de los pai'ses subdesarrollados es el deficiente saneamiento microbioldgico del ambiente, que se traduce en alias incidencias de diarrea y de otras infecciones 1 . En el tubo digestive la contaminaci6n microbio-16gica produce alteraciones morfoltfgicas y funcionales que fueron descritas en habitantes de areas tropicales, por lo que se denominaron enteropatia tropical 2 -3 . Estas alteraciones tambi6n ocurren en zonas templadas y el grado de conta-minaci6n modifica su intensidad. Asi, estas lesiones eran maximas en paises como India o Haiti y eran mucho menores en Rhodesia (actualmente Zimbabwe) y en Chile 4 -7 . Debido a que la relacidn con la contamination del ambiente es el factor mas importante se la denomina actual-