Frequent early failures have been the key factor restricting the reliability improvement of electromechanical product, and also reducing its market competitiveness. Most of the current early failure elimination methods are passive elimination technologies after a failure. Their purpose is to quickly restore the production capacity of products, which is mainly used to improve the reliability of the products, and cannot fundamentally improve the quality of the manufactured product. To address those problems, this paper first analyzed the causes of early failures in the production stage of electromechanical product, and studied the corresponding early failure elimination mechanism; second, according to the FRACAS (Failure Report Analysis and Corrective Action System), an early failure elimination method for electromechanical product was proposed based on the meta‐action unit; finally, in order to ensure the smooth implementation of early failure elimination measures, a set of early failure active elimination guarantee management system was established. In addition, this paper also introduced the specific implementation process of the proposed method. The proposed method is applied to engineering, and the results verify its correctness. The proposed method provides a theoretical basis and technical support for the elimination of electromechanical product early failure.