Infeksi Menular Seksual (IMS) merupakan infeksi yang ditularkan lewat hubungan intim baik secara vaginal, anal serta oral. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian IMS pada ibu hamil di Puskesmas Elly Uyo Kota Jayapura. Jenis penelitian ini bersifat analitik kuantitatif dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional, penelitian ini untuk melihat hubungan variabel independen (umur, tingkat pendidikan, pekerjaan, penghasilan, status pernikahan dan suku) terhadap variabel dependen (kejadian IMS). Populasi dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 416 orang dan sampel sebanyak 77 responden yang melakukan pemeriksaan IMS dengan teknik sampling Accidental Sampling. Hasil penelitian di Puskesmas Elly Uyo Kota Jayapura terdapat 33 (42,9%) ibu hamil yang positif IMS dan sebanyak 44 (57,1%) ibu hamil yang negatif IMS. Terdapat hubungan antara umur (ρ-value = 0,000 < 0,05), tingkat pendidikan (ρ-value = 0,001 < 0,05) dengan kejadian IMS pada ibu hamil di Puskesmas Elly Uyo. Tidak terdapat hubungan pekerjaan ibu (ρ-value = 0,585 > 0,05), penghasilan (ρ-value = 0,469 > 0,05), status pernikahan (ρ-value = 1,000 > 0,05), suku (ρ-value = 0,133 > 0,05) dengan kejadian IMS pada ibu hamil di Puskesmas Elly Uyo. Petugas kesehatan disarankan dapat meningkatkan sarana sumber edukasi promosi kesehatan reproduksi dan informasi mengenai infeksi menular seksual bagi masyarakat terutama ibu hamil berdasarkan faktor risiko seperti usia dan pendidikan.
Kata kunci : Faktor, Karakteristik, IMS, Ibu Hamil
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are infections transmitted through vaginal, anal and oral intercourse. This study aims to determine the factors associated with the incidence of STIs in pregnant women at the Elly Uyo Health Center in Jayapura City. This type of research is quantitative analytic with Cross Sectional approach, this research is to see the relationship of independent variables (age, education level, occupation, income, marital status and ethnicity) to the dependent variable (STI incidence). The population in this study were 416 people and a sample of 77 respondents who conducted STI examinations with Accidental Sampling sampling technique. The results of the study at the Elly Uyo Health Center, Jayapura City, there were 33 (42.9%) pregnant women who were STI positive and 44 (57.1%) pregnant women who were STI negative. There was an association between age (ρ-value = 0.000 < 0.05), education level (ρ-value = 0.001 < 0.05) with the incidence of STIs in pregnant women at the Elly Uyo Health Center. There was no association between maternal occupation (ρ-value = 0.585 > 0.05), income (ρ-value = 0.469 > 0.05), marital status (ρ-value = 1.000 > 0.05), ethnicity (ρ-value = 0.133 > 0.05) with the incidence of STIs in pregnant women at Elly Uyo Health Center. Health workers are advised to improve educational resources for reproductive health promotion and information about sexually transmitted infections for the community, especially pregnant women based on risk factors such as age and education.
Keywords: Factors, Characteristics, STIs, Pregnant Women