Obesity is an increase in body weight as a result of excessive accumula on of body fat. According to the data from Pekanbaru District Health Office in 2016, the highest propor on of obesity incidence was found in Simpang Tiga Community Health Center, namely 2.1 % per 19.029 popula on. The aim of this study was to know the determinants of obesity incidence in community in the working area of the Simpang Tiga Community Health Center in 2017. This was a quan ta ve analy c study with cross sec onal design. Dependent variable was obesity and independent variables were educa on, knowledge, sex, offspring obesity, physical ac vity, and ea ng habit. The study was conducted in the working area of Simpang Tiga Community Health Center between December 2017 and January 2018. The popula on in this study was a whole people who lived and se led in the working area of Simpang Tiga Community Health center, in Pekanbaru City, in 2018 as many as 19.029 people and samples were 155 respondents. Sampling technique used quota sampling. Data analysis used univariat, bivariat and mul variate techniques. The results of this study showed that those who low educa on, offspring obesity, and ea ng habit related to the incidence of obesity. It was suggested that Simpang Tiga Community Health Center of Pekanbaru City should be more ac ve in promo ng healthy lifestyles such as how a good diet in order to avoid obesity, especially the target in people who have low educa on and have a history of obesity.