The importance of monitoring the growth and development of early childhood is helpful for all parties involved, especially for Health Integrated Service (HIS), teachers, parents, and the children themselves. HIS is expected to determine what steps or efforts can be taken in helping children's development because from the family, in this case, the parents, the beginning of growth and development begins. The purpose of this study was to develop a Booklet of Stimulation, Detection and Early Intervention on Growth and Development (SDEIGD) for health cadres in the implementation of screening for growth and development of toddlers. This study involved 32 health cadres in the Aur Duri Public Health Center Jambi City working area as the intervention group and the Penyengat Olak Jambi Health Center as many as 32 people as controls. This research will be conducted in August 2019 at the Putri Ayu Public Health Center, Jambi City. There are two stages in this study, consisting of the instrument preparation stage and administrative preparation. The next stage is the implementation which consists of making booklets for Health integrated services cadres, enriching and developing the skills of Health integrated services cadres, small group discussions, practicum and simulation of the implementation of growth and development stimulation, early detection and screening of growth and development, early intervention on growth and development in children aged 0-6 years, and knowledge measurement. Data were analyzed using the Shapiro-Wilk test at a 95% confidence level (α ≤ 0.05). The results of the validation of materials experts and linguists, it is known that the SDEIGD booklet media meets the criteria and is worthy of being a guide for health cadres in understanding Stimulation, Detection, and Early Intervention of Toddler Development. The media trial starting from small groups, large groups and understanding tests of SDEIGD material indicate that the SDEIGD Media Booklet is worthy of being a handbook for health cadres for the implementation of screening for toddlers growth and development.