This is an author produced version of a paper published in Sociologia Ruralis (ISSN 0038-0199, eISSN 1467-9523) This version may not include final proof corrections and does not include published layout or pagination. Citation Details Citation for the version of the work held in 'OpenAIR@RGU': SMITH, R. and MCELWEE, G., 2013. Confronting social constructions of rural criminality: a case story on 'illegal pluriactivity' in the farming community. Available from OpenAIR@RGU. [online]. Available from: Citation for the publisher's version: SMITH, R. and MCELWEE, G., 2013. Confronting social constructions of rural criminality: a case story on 'illegal pluriactivity' in the farming community. Sociologia Ruralis, 53 (1), pp. 112-134.