AbstrakRemaja masa kini semakin dituntut untuk memiliki resiliensi agar dapat mencegah terganggunya tugas perkembangan, kualitas hidup, serta masa depan mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengelaborasi resiliensi remaja dan faktor ekologis yang memengaruhinya. Menggunakan desain kuantitatif, penelitian ini dilakukan dalam rentang waktu September 2015 hingga Januari 2016. Total contoh penelitian sebanyak 120 remaja diperoleh melalui teknik multi-stage random sampling. Data primer dikumpulkan melalui metode survei dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang dikembangkan oleh peneliti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor ekologi remaja seperti kesejahteraan subjektif, faktor protektif internal (termasuk penerimaan diri, penerimaan lingkungan, kepercayaan diri, prestasi, disiplin, dan kemampuan diri), faktor protektif eksternal (termasuk protektif pengasuhan, protektif keluarga, protektif sekolah, protektif teman, dan protektif masyarakat), keterlibatan remaja dalam perilaku kenakalan remaja, pendapatan keluarga, lama pendidikan ayah, wilayah administratif dan tipe sekolah berhubungan dengan resiliensi remaja. Lebih jauh, faktor protektif sekolah, faktor protektif pengasuhan, dan faktor protektif internal remaja berpengaruh positif yang signifikan terhadap resiliensi remaja. Analisis regresi linear berganda yang dilakukan terhadap faktor protektif keluarga dan resiliensi remaja menunjukkan bahwa orientasi moral-religi, kohesi, dan orientasi prestasi berpengaruh positif yang signifikan terhadap resiliensi remaja.Kata kunci: faktor ekologi, faktor protektif, remaja, resiliensi
The Influence of Ecological Factors on Youth Resiliency AbstractYouth nowadays are increasingly required to have a resiliency in order to prevent disturbance in their developmental task, quality of life, and their future. This research aimed to elaborate youth resiliency and influence of ecological factors on their resiliency. Using quantitative design, this research was conducted during September 2015 -January 2016. Total 120 teenagers were generated through multi-stage random sampling technique. Primary data was collected through survey using researcher-developed questionnaire. Results showed that youth ecological factors such as subjective well-being, internal protective factor (including self-acceptance, environment acceptance, self-confidence, achievement, discipline, self-ability), external protective factors (including parenting, family , school , peer group, and society environment), involvement of children in juvenile delinquency, family income, father's length of education, administrative areas, and types of schools were associated with youth resiliency. Furthermore, external protective factors (from school, and parenting), and youth internal protective factors have a positive significant effect on youth resiliency. Specific regression analysis the influence family protective factor on youth resiliency showed that moral-religious orientation, cohesion, and achievement orientation have a positive significant effect on youth resil...