“…Family owners differ from other ownership types because of the unique overlap among ownership, management, and the family group (Berrone, Cruz, Gomez‐Mejia, & Larraza‐Kintana, 2010) shaping socioemotional wealth (SEW; Calabrò, Torchia, Pukall, & Mussolino, 2013), referred to as “nonfinancial characteristics of the firm that bear on the family's affective endowments” (Kabbach de Castro, Aguilera, & Crespí‐Cladera, 2017, p. 2). Because of their early socialization into the business, family members possess a rich firm‐specific knowledge that can be used as a monitoring instrument and a resource for the firm (Bammens et al, 2011; Hope, Langli, & Thomas, 2012).…”