The far-infrared photoresponse of granular thin film T12Ba2CaCu20e has been investigated at relatively low optical powers obtained from a C.W. laser source. Both bolometric and Josephson detection has been observed at wavelengths between 214 p m and 101 1 pm. In contrast to measurements made with higher-power pulsed radiation, a Josephson photosignal proportional to incident power is obtained in this spectral range. The responsivity is found to increase strongly with wavelength, approximately proportionally to A2.5, with a measured sensitivity of 12 V W-' at 1011 pm and a corresponding NEP of 2 x W Hz-'/'. The photoresponse dependences on wavelength and power are compared with recent numerical predictions of the behaviour of two-dimensional Josephson junction arrays with random defects (Cai et a/ 1994 Phys. Rev. B 49 4015). The observed square-law response and strongly increased responsiviiy at longer wavelengths indicate the potential of utilizing such films as rugged, fast, large-area video detectors for the sub-"/microwave spectral range. of photon energy, the photoresponse has become square-