A systematic investigation was carried out on ~aSIn to determine the contribution of different reactions to the total non-elastic cross-section in the 13.43 and 14.84 MeV incident neutron energy range. All the major components of aNE were measured with exception of the ~g(n, n') cross section. An analytical expression is recommended to estimate the aN~ data as a function of mass number at E, = 14.1 MeV. By the knowledge of aNE, the energy dependence of ag(n, n') could be deduced. The isomeric cross section ratios both for (n, 2n) and (n, n') processes were also determined in the given energy range. The present experiment proves the dependence of am/(~ ~ + a m) ratio on the spin value (I,,) of the isomeric state in the (n, 2n) reaction. Excitation functions of the (n, 2n), (n, n') (n, p) and (n: p, c~) reactions calculated by STAPRE code show good agreement with the experimental results.