This project is part of the DOE university-based advanced technology program in generic accelerator R&D relevant to a future linear collider. It is described more fully in the 2004 LCRD Accelerator Proposal, Sec. 2.9. Many components of the accelerator and detectors will be subjected to large fluences of hadrons as well as electrons and gammas during the lifetime of the accelerator. For example, NdFeB permanent magnets have many potential uses in the damping rings, injection and extraction lines and final focus, even though the linacs will be superconducting. This material is advantageous for its relatively low cost and its high energy product ( , but due to its relatively low Curie temperature T BH ) max C , one needs to better understand and characterize the degradation of its magnetic properties due to radiation damage. Other possible candidates for testing in this program are electronic and electro-optical devices which will be utilized in the detector readout, possible gamma channels and accelerator control systems and CCDs which will be required for the vertex detector.