Neutron total, scattering and (n; n',V) cross sections of elemental yttrium (89y) were measured in the few-MeV region. The neutron total-cross-section measurements were made with broad resolutions from ~0.5 to 4.2MeV in steps of <0.1MeV. Neutron elastic-and inelastic-scattering cross sections were measured from ~1.5 to 4.0MeV, at incident-neutron energy intervals of ~50keV and at ten or more scattering angles distributed between 20 and 160 degrees using neutron detection. Inelastic-scattering cross sections were also determined using the (n; n', ~) reaction at incident energies from 1.6 to 3.8 MeV at intervals of 0.1 MeV. Gamma-rays and/or inelastically-scattered neutrons were observed corresponding to the excitation of levels at: 909.0_+0.5, 1,507.4 +0.3, 1,744.5+0.3, 2,222.6_+0.5, 2,530_+0.8, 2,566.4_+1.0, 2,622.5+_1.0, 2,871.9_+1.5, 2,880. 6_+2.0, 3,067.0_+2.0, 3,107.0_+2.0, 3,140.0_+2.0, 3,410.0+2.0, 3,450.0_+2.0, 3,504.0 _+1.5, 3,514.0_+2.0, 3,556.0+_2.0, 3,619.0+3.0, 3,629.0_+3.0 and 3,715.0 _+ 3.0 keV. The experimental results are discussed in terms of the spherical-optical-statistical, coupledchannels, and core-coupling models, and in the context of previously reported excitedlevel structure.Nuclear Reactions: Measured at(n ) 0.5 to 4.2MeV, da(n)/df2 and d~r(n')/df2 1.5 to 4.0 MeV, and a(n; n', V) 1.6 to 3.8 MeV for elemental yttrium. Spherical-optical-statistical, coupled-channels and core-coupling models and level structure discussed.