Various circular high-energy accelerators designed on the synchrotron concept have recently been operated in order to provide high-intensity beams for the studies in fundamental physics, and those for medical purposes, and to drive reactors. The method of fast injection/ejection method by using pulsed magnets is the most fundamental techniques required in such high-energy accelerators. A kicker magnet system is often used in this method, where the magnetic field is a trapezoid with a fast rise-time of less than 1 µs and only has a long flattop for short periods of beam injection/ejection. Those should be zero for almost the entire period except for beam injection and ejection. The operation point of magnetic materials has conventionally been designed at very low fields to prevent magnetization from producing a zero field. Operation over the saturation point of magnetic materials was conducted in this study, and favorable performance, which exceeds that of conventional kicker magnet systems, was obtained. The experimental results are presented in the paper.